Monday, June 20, 2011

You know you're a parent....

You know you're a parent when......

You can change a diaper on a walking child.

You consider a visit to the dentist as "me time".

You think goldfish are one of the four basic food groups.

Your most prized possession is an original drawing by a four year old.

You're leisure reading material can be found in the parenting section of your bookstore.

At the end of a date night with your spouse, you drive by your house to see if the kids bedroom lights are still on.  If so, then you circle the neighborhood until the babysitter has turned them out.

You've ever arranged a play date for your grade-schooler so that they could play while you take a nap.

You can walk around you bathroom naked because you never get any privacy anyway.

Your dream vacation involves laying around on a beach and not having to move the entire day.

Here's to staying the course parents.  Keep fighting the good fight!

Much love and many laughs,


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