Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gross-Out List

Here is a list of things that gross me out:

1.  when men wear spandex leggings
2.  the act of finger licking and the sounds that go with it
3.  the stuff under the seats of my car
4.  the smell in my car
5.  thick yellow toenails
6.  long toenails
7.  public bathrooms
8.  profuse sweating
9.  when dogs eat yard poop-nice huh?
10. the liquid you get on your hand after you've handled 
uncooked meat or poultry at the grocery store.

Feel free to share your gross-out items with me! 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Sare-Bear

For Sarah on the eve of her 9th Birthday

A Cinquain:


Blonde Hair

Loving, Creative, Honest

Proud she is ours


Now a silly Hiaku:

She's a very lovely girl,

She has no idea how very much,

Boys-her daddy is fearsome!


Monday, March 21, 2011

Little girl signs and warm fuzzies

Sometimes when my kids are at school, it gets quiet around my house.

Like many of you know, kids make a household exciting!

Somedays the quiet is a wonderful reprieve, other days-not so much.

Is it sad that I'm secretly excited when they have to stay home for a sick day so I can look after them and love on them?

It wouldn't surprise anyone to know that I'm not one of these moms who pushes her children to grow up. 
In fact I already bemoan when they'll go off to college.
I can't help it, that's how I'm made.

I know many of you cringe at the whole moving off at 18years old thing too.

Thankfully, I have heart warming reminders of my sweeties.

Especially of my little one.

Take a look at some of the things she leaves around the house that give me the warm fuzzies.

By the way, many of these pictures she took herself with my phone when I wasn't looking.

She's sly-that one:)

These are some of the signs that a little girl lives here.

I just love it.

By the way that first cat was actually reading the Bible at one point.

Warm fuzzies-gotta love 'em!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Look at him....

The eyes that see right into your soul...

That nose that greets your leg with a cold wet kiss...

He's darling... so very, very precious.

Just look at him...

A joy to be around.

A longing fulfilled.

A puppy for children who had none.

Look at him...

He's happiness rolled up into a furry ball.

He's bliss, elation, and unconditional love all mashed together for public consumption.

You should be so lucky to be around this.

But wait....


What is this?.....

Is that what I think it is?

Surely not!

 It couldn't possibly be the powdered sugar from the donuts we ate this morning?

I know big boy left his donut on the kitchen island.  It's gone now.

But, how could it have gotten here - in the living room tucked beside the couch?

We have a mystery and I just found some evidence.

Oh yes!  I've got it now!

Elementary my dear Watson, I know who the culprit is!!!

He's as guilty as can be...

Just look at him...