Sunday, August 7, 2011

A hairy dog and a good fellow!

My husband is a good guy.  The very best.  A softy to the core.  

One example was a time early on in our marriage.  We had acquired two labrador mixed breed dogs.  They were truly the best dogs ever.  Sometimes, he would look into their sleepy eyes and ask me "do you think they're happy?"

Another time was more recently when we moved back into our house after a 10 month (let me pause to collect myself.....) remodel absence. We live on a golf course and therefore can't have a privacy fence.  The only fence we can have is one of those iron ones that doesn't occlude the view. Our other dogs, Molly and Trey, were too big to fit through the fence.  However, Teddy, being a mini goldendoodle, is very small (approximately 30 pounds) and can fit through with no problem at all.  

The fence situation required that we get an invisible fence installed.  While we were at it, we bought four indoor "zappers" for the newly decorated rooms in the house.  They kept him out of the off limits areas.  

Later, never having had limitations put on him before, we did see some passive aggressive behaviors manifest themselves.  When those happened, I simply moved the zappers to those areas so Teddy couldn't take his anger out on the rug:)  

After sequestering him to only about half of the house, my husband looked at him with a distraught heart and said to me, "I just don't want him feeling like he can't go anywhere in the house."  

Which brings me to the most perfect example of all.  Teddy has a wealth of hair. That hair does not shed-yippee.  However, that hair gets matted badly.  One day, I made myself send him to the groomer.  She had to shave him because the mattes were out of control.  I have never liked his haircuts.  It is probably the reason why I put off the grooming in the first place.  However, it had to be done and when we took him home, what once looked like this.......

Now looked like this...................

And when my husband got home from work that day, he saw Teddy and said "Teddy, I like your haircut."

And I looked at him with astonishment and said "you really do"?

And my sweetheart said out of the side of his mouth, "well... what was I supposed to say?"

And that more than anything gives you a true picture of my husband.  Like I said, he is "a softy to the core"  and I'm so glad he's mine:)

Much love and many laughs,

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