Sunday, June 5, 2011

Musings on fashion.

First off, let me say that I realize this entire post, will indicate my age.  I have to be ok with that.  Reminiscing is fun.  For those of you who are too young to remember some of these things, you'll enjoy seeing the vintage photos.  They are a hoot and yes, we really did dress like that.

Today's fashion staples are the funky shoes, hip handbag, and sexy jeans.  Wear anything with them and you look like a million bucks.

Shoes, jeans and handbags are the "trifecta of fashion", a "triple threat".  The staples in the "fashionista diet".


Remember when and expensive pair of jeans cost 70 dollars? Do you recall the yoke cut pleated front style?  The kind that never showed the waist band of your decidedly granny panties?  The snap hovered around your belly button and for those of us with muffin tops, they were safely sealed within the denim?

                                                            (Photo courtesy of internet)

Now, below are some jeans to make you legs look a mile long.  They make your booty look perfectly sized, perfectly rounded, and perfectly pert.  They make you look like you weigh less that you actually do.  But heavens to Betsy if you have to bend over.  That would show a Grand Canyon sized fissure that would make a plumber weep with joy.

(Photo courtesy of internet)

Do you remember what purses cost 15-20 years ago? I don't, which I believe supports my idea that they couldn't have cost that much or I'd have remembered it.  Anyhoo, purses weren't a big deal back then.  They only need be large enough to carry a can of aqua net and your car keys.  No one had cell phones,
E-readers or ipads back then.

However, if you really wanted extravagance, you could save up or beg your parents for leather "coach" bag.  They were brown or black.  That's it.  The whole enchilada.  Those bags were made with the finest leather.  The only danger was that they, because of their price tag, could send an unfavorable message:  FLASHY!!!  Most just steered clear of these over indulgences

With today's purses, the sky's the limit.  Coordinate with your wardrobe?  HA!  Sensible size?  Whatever!!! Spend 200 bucks for a purse?  Grab it baby, before it gets snatched up.  Deals like that don't just come along everyday.

                                                      Times, they have 'a changed......

(Photo courtesy of internet)

Do you remember when we used to wear sensible and comfortable shoes?  I remember never being concerned whether or not my feet would get tired or if I would have a hard time keeping up with anyone walking at a reasonable pace.

(Photo courtesy of internet)

Our shoes went from "modest" to "blow your mind funky".  From "cute" to "sexy".  From "reasonable" to downright "ridiculous".  I remember when heels were 2-3 inches.  The only platform shoes I'd ever seen were those rubbery-soled sandal type with the oval cut out of the heel.  Those were truly sassy.  They said "pretty high school girl" to me.

Later, chunky shoes became popular.  I though they looked so weird.  Now there are all kinds of skinny and chunky shoes with the most predominant style being the platform shoe.  No not the flexible soled ones of yore, but the inflexible ones that make your feet scream "you idiot!"  Yet, they continue to get taller.  (little known fact is that the government requires shoe manufacturers to raise the height of the platform shoe approximately 1/2" per year).  While that doesn't seem like much, in 2011, we now are left with shoe offerings like this.......

(photo courtesy of internet)

And I whisper to myself "you've got to be kidding me"!?!


I don't know what can be done about this.  It is absolutely insane to wear these types of "ankle breakers".

On a side note,  I'm going to encourage my children to go to med school and specialize in orthopedics.

Much love and many laughs, and hopefully lots of balance to you, 


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