Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Oddities part 3


In the "out lot" of our local Home Depot store, a new Chick-fil-a is being built.  They started construction last week and will be opening tomorrow.  No, not really, but it seems that fast.  

B and I drove by there today and we noticed something strange.  Apparently, Chick-fil-a is initiating a "back to the basics/family oriented" style of restaurant.  

They're encouraging families to spend time together camping out.  To promote this, they're providing their restaurant parking lots as a campground area.  Take a look........

I've always admired them for their practices.

Way to go Chick-fil-a!!!

I told J about this and he told me those folks were there for the opening of the building.  Apparently, he thinks there is an incentive for the first 100 or so people who are customers there.  

I told him it simply can't be.  If that were the case, then we would see folks line up at 4:30am the day after Thanksgiving to receive a free Mickey Mouse ornament from JC Penney.  HA!!!  

Also, it's not as if these are rare events.  We have several other Chick-fil-a's in town, and anyone can buy a Mickey Mouse ornament any day of the year.

"They do line up at 4:30 the day after Thanksgiving," he told me. 

"Why don't I ever see them?"  I asked him.  

"Because you're asleep."

"Oh, you could be right" I said.

But still, it was awfully nice of Chick-fil-a to have a camp out in their parking lot.  

The only hiccup is-where do you go to the bathroom?

Much love and many laughs,


Monday, June 27, 2011


It's been a busy weekend for us.  We had two birthday parties to host.  Neither of which were actually on my kids birthdays.  In fact, they were not on the weekends before or after their birthdays.  

My son turned 9 over the winter.  He wanted to have his party at a box in the Travs baseball stadium.  Obviously they can't play with snow on the ground, so we waited.  And waited.  Then we got busy.  Really busy.  We discovered we waited almost too long and home game dates were getting scarce.  That was why we had both kids parties with in 48 hours of each other.  

My daughter's birthday is next month, but we have vacation plans and VBS plans, not to mention the start of school.  (She'll be going to a school with an extended school year).  So we had her party early.  The party was at her Shay's pool.  She explained to me that if we had it there it would be "free".  Why is it that the "free" parties sure do end up costing a lot:)  

She has every other party at Shay's.  She had #3, #5, and now #7 at her pool.  By this point I can recycle some of the decor.  However, I never seem to remember what I have, and the pressure of "better get it now or they'll run out" or "this may only be seasonal" gets me every time.  So if any of you need pool party/luau/surf party themed stuff, just call me.

Side note:  My least favorite phrase from a chain store employee is "sorrrrrrry, that's seasonal".  Never try to buy a fan in December.  Never try to buy rain boots in August.  These things are seasonal.  Just don't go there.  Even if you really need these items, like you're painting a room and need a fan to help dry it, or if you're going lizard hunting in a shallow creek in August, and you need boots impervious to water so you can wade in said water, just save yourself the dashed hope and save the employee the necessity of  the long drawn out "sorrrrrry" reply.  It's just embarrassing when employees have to feel sorry for you.  Then you want to tell them why you need these items, and you start looking desperate and sad trying to convince them that you're not as much of a goofball as they must think.  Just save yourself the trouble.

Back to my daughter.....

I think she just loves to have her parties at her grandmother's pool to show off her Shay.  She thinks Shay is like a rock star.  She flips out every time she sees her.  It has a way of endearing her to people.  Who wouldn't love their own enthusiastic 6-year-old fan following them around?

We had the parties and they were really fun. Now we can relax and breath easily. In the meantime, please enjoy some photos from both events.

Much love and many laughs,


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Banned list!

My little one is a stinker!  Other blogs have contained stories of her.  She is a unique kid.  Funny, plucky, snuggly, messy, impatient, sensitive, stubborn, freckled, fearless, delightful, strawberry blonde headed child.  She makes friends easily.  She gives her brother courage.  She has an "I can do it myself" attitude.  And she is one very sneaky stinkerpot.

When A wants to do something, she just does it.  She subscribes to the philosophy "It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission."  Well, this is at direct odds with my personality and I'd be lying if I said this was my favorite trait.  I was always black and white.  Only as an adult have I learned the "gray" areas.  My oldest is just like me in that regard.  He may beg and plead, but he will do what I ask.  I appreciate that.

That said, why is it when my little one is being a stinker, it's hard to get upset about it?  Is it because she is the "baby" of the family?  Is it because when using a firm tone with her she falls apart?  Is it because she's had some obstacles in her life and it's her willful spirit that has helped her succeed all her life?

In a word "yes".  Probably to all three.  Mind you, I will not raise a narcissist.  I wouldn't be doing my job as a parent or as a Christian if I did.  But, coming up with ways to negotiate, bribe, cajole, encourage, and motivate her can be challenging.

Her philosophy of "do what you want, ask forgiveness later" has resulted in her being banned from many things.  The thought that a "ban" had to be put in place seems awfully harsh, but gentle loving parental instruction often proves useless.  Harsher measures are often required.

A's ban list:

1.  Mommy's laptop
2.  Mommy's phone
3.  Eating in the office/while on computer
4.  Eating in the family room
5.  Painting anywhere in the house

The later three are self-explanatory.  Suffice it to say, her repeated violation caused property damage and therefore the ban was instituted.

The first two need to be explained.

A loves to "clean".  Also, she is very liberal in her use of cleaning products.  Once when mom and dad were taking care of the kids, A decided that she wanted to "clean" my laptop.  Well you can guess what ensued.  Laptop + full bottle of febreeze + A = One very shiny, wet, lavender scented computer.

Also, it is odd that this event happened during a 10 minute respite from adult supervision.  My dad had rotator cuff surgery and was recovering upstairs.  Mom went to check on him.  When she came down, the computer was clean.  Ironic-huh?  (or was it by design?)

Interrogation proved that she knew better than to do that.  Like I said "forgiveness not permission".

The phone thing was a result of repeated improper behavior that overtime and after repeated warnings continued to occur.  These were things such as changing ringtones, setting timer/alarms, changing pictures and all other kinds of settings.  Not bad in itself, but coupled with abuse, (especially in the car) a ban was issued forthwith.

The straw/camel's back incident occurred when arriving at a local "hot spot" eatery (Franke's cafeteria), I helped her out of the car and heard a solid clunk.  She told me her drink fell out.  But at that point she still had it, and then seconds later, that fell out too.  I was puzzled.  What was heavy enough to have made that noise?  Certainly the regular trash that fell out of the car when we opened the doors could not have made that noise.  However, when I looked under the car next to us, I found nothing.

In the meantime, a patron came out and got in that car and drove off.

We walked in to the restaurant and I needed to look at something on my phone.  Uh oh.  No phone.

I told her that if that phone was laying on the parking lot ground, no more phone privileges.

Hence, item #2 on the ban list.

All that said, it's so hard to get upset with this........

and this...............

and this..............


                                     What's a mom to do?

Much love and many laughs,


Monday, June 20, 2011

You know you're a parent....

You know you're a parent when......

You can change a diaper on a walking child.

You consider a visit to the dentist as "me time".

You think goldfish are one of the four basic food groups.

Your most prized possession is an original drawing by a four year old.

You're leisure reading material can be found in the parenting section of your bookstore.

At the end of a date night with your spouse, you drive by your house to see if the kids bedroom lights are still on.  If so, then you circle the neighborhood until the babysitter has turned them out.

You've ever arranged a play date for your grade-schooler so that they could play while you take a nap.

You can walk around you bathroom naked because you never get any privacy anyway.

Your dream vacation involves laying around on a beach and not having to move the entire day.

Here's to staying the course parents.  Keep fighting the good fight!

Much love and many laughs,


Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Tribute to Teddy

In yesterday's blog I mentioned that returning from camp last summer, my son mentioned that he missed our dog, Teddy, the most.

I remember feeling that way about our Cocker Spaniel, Buffy.  He was a boy-dont' ask why he was named "Buffy" cause I don't know.

Buffy would bring me comfort a lot.  Being the youngest of four girls, I not only had two parents, but three older sisters to "instruct me" as to the way I should go.  Sometimes the instruction was not appreciated and the only solace I could find was my dog.  We'd sit in my closet and cry until we fell asleep without dinner and woke up the next morning in time for school.  HA!  That last part was a fabrication for dramatic effect.  However, Buffy did give me comfort when it felt like the people in my world were all mad at me.

This spring I discovered a phenomenon.  I think I'll call it "canine comfort", or maybe "puppy pick-me-ups" or.........well,you get the picture.

My little girl was having a dramatic morning.  This was not an uncommon occurrence.  She had hit the childhood drama queen phase that girls go through.  Not to be confused with the adolescent or teenager drama phases, this one is the precursor to the others.  It is to prepare terrified parents of things to come.

We called them "grouchies" and we had to instigate a rule about them.  She was getting dangerously close to her "grouchy" limit and was going to have some privileges taken away.  As that sometimes punishes her caregiver (me), I didn't want that to happen when she was soooo close to getting out the door for school.  She was crying and Dad was about to lay down the law and I had to think fast. I told her, "you didn't get to give Teddy a hug".  "Teddy would be so sad if you didn't hug and kiss him before you left for school."  I promptly picked up the dog and shoved him toward her.  She promptly smiled and snuggled and hugged him.  Teddy had no choice in the matter.  He had no desire to be near the weeping and wailing.  But once he was in her reach, her world was back on track again and that was what mattered the most. 

That reminded me of what my boy said on the way home from camp last year.  Those events inspired me to compose a poem or lyrics to a song, praising the virtues of the curly little fur ball.

 "A tribute to Teddy".

When you're down and feeling blue,
and you don't know how you can pull this day through,
Just give Teddy a hug.

When the morning rush has got you sad,
and everyone you know is making you mad,
Just give Teddy a hug.

His hair is curly, his nose is black,
his kisses are wet, he's got your back.
He'll listen to your woes, won't give you any flack,
oh, just give Teddy a hug.

When everyone you know is bossing you around,
and life has got you flat on the ground,
you know to just give Teddy, 
cause he's always ready,
oh, just give Teddy a hug.

Much love and many laughs,


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Nostalgia, affirmations, and chopped liver.


You send you child there.  

You spend the next six days wondering what he's doing.  

You're thinking of him.  He's not thinking of you.

It is as it should be.  He is having a blast!  

With modern technology, I can go and find posted photos of the campers.  He looks happy.  Incredibly happy!

This makes me happy.  

It causes me to relive my camp experiences.  I loved camp.  I went every year we had a group going.  I enjoyed the nightly pow wow's with camp style music.  I loved swimming whenever it could be fit in.  It was a hoot attempting to toss your camp counselor in the pool with all her clothes on.  Good times!

I'm glad he's experiencing this.  He will look back on this with wonderful memories.

Last year, he got sad when he left camp.  It's always hard to scatter to the four winds and go back home.  When you spend a week with other kids your age, you go home on an emotional high.  

I used to get that way when I went on youth choir trips.  You'd spend the day on a bus with your walkman and your closest friend.  You'd stop at a church and eat lasagna and salad or a casserole.  You'd give a rousing musical performance (with light choreography).  Then, you'd go back to the hotel and swim or talk or maybe joke around with the guys on the trip.  You didn't have to have a "crush" on any of them.  It was just learning how to be around those odd people we called boys.

Side note:  My senior year, we sang in various churches.  One of which my dad later was called to be the pastor.  These churches were quite a distance from each other.  Our home church was in MO and the other in FL.   We had a connection to the church, but I didn't realize it was the same one until I stepped inside the sanctuary.  Bizarro!

So now I'm the parent that stays behind.  It's a weird.  I still feel 14 years old in my heart.  But time marches on.  I can tell it in the mirror.  And I guess it's true because I now have grown up furniture.

At the end of camp last year,  (after the "trying to locate all his belongings" debacle, )we hopped in the car all abuzz with anticipation about the stories that he would tell us.  Then he inquired about his sister and dog.  Little Sis was spending the night with the folks.  Furball taken care of too.  Then my son told me something that solidified my suspicions about the pecking order around our house.

He said "no offense, but I really missed Teddy the most."

It' o.k.  It's all right.  I'm getting used to things like that..... thought the chopped liver.

Another side note:  Why is it when someone begins a comment with "no offense",  it is always going to offend?  It's like the old joke that you can say anything about someone as long as you begin with either "God bless them...." or "Bless their heart.....".  Because when you begin with that, you only have the person's best interests at heart.  HA!

"B, it's o.k. if you missed Teddy the most" I said.  I get it.  And then I started thinking that Teddy doesn't have any of the hard responsibilities that a parent does.  Teddy doesn't have discipline him. Teddy always greets him with EXTREME enthusiasm.  Teddy is the snuggliest dog ever.  Teddy never gets upset with him.  Of course a he would miss him a great deal.  

And that's o.k. too......

because I'm good enough, and smart enough, and by golly, people like me!

Much love and many laughs!


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer camp begins!

I sent my boy off to a week of summer camp today.  He went with his buddy across the street.

I didn't get to take him.  Our neighbors drove them.

We'll be picking him up at the end of the week, but I didn't get to help him make his bed today.

Also, I didn't get to help him get his suitcase situated.

When we packed, I showed him where his swim trunks were.  He wasn't paying attention.

When we discussed what he was to wear during the theme nights, he was playing his Nintendo DS.

How will he know to brush his teeth at night?  He knows he's supposed to, but when he's distracted, he sometimes thinks he has when he actually hasn't.

Who is going to make sure he really does brush his teeth?  He will be staying with about 11 other boys and one "counselor" who is probably only 10 years or so older than him.  Is he concerned about my child's dental hygiene?

Who is going to help him find a place to hang dry his wet clothes?

Do I sound sad?

I'd be lying if I wasn't a little down.

He's growing older, and it tears me up.

You see, he's tender hearted.  A true sweetheart.  He's not the kind of kid you send off to camp with "whew" -we'll see you in a week.

And I love him.  I love him so much.

We prayed for him.  We prayed for a safe trip for them all.  We prayed for God's protection for him and for all the other campers.  We prayed that he would grow in his relationship with Christ.

I know God is in control.  I have complete faith in Him.  I know God loves him more than I could even begin to fathom.  It brings me peace and comfort.

That said, I think I'll drive him to camp next year:)

And maybe get my "happy medicine" jacked up a bit in the meantime.

Much love and many laughs,


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Oddities pt.2

Outdoor table lamps?    Whaaaaa?

(internet photo)

I think I'll pass!

Much love and many laughs,


Monday, June 6, 2011

Lemonade Stand

At least once in their lifetime, somewhere in the grade school years, kids get a hankering to have a Lemonade Stand.

Some stands are well planned and thought out.  Some are spur of the moment.  All are cute and iconic childhood experiences.

At the end of last summer, my girl decided she would have a "lemonade stand".  She could not be nay said.  She would not be postponed.  

Fortunately, we had about half a bottle of Simply Lemonade in the fridge.  Seems I happened to be fresh out of the lemonade mix that every good mother keeps stocked in her pantry.

I only had three rules for the lemonade stand.  1.  She could not set up right on the edge of the yard.  We live on a busy street.  2.  She had to leave the front door open.  I needed to monitor things.  3.  I was to get a sizable cut of the profits.

She took said bottle, some plastic cups, and a fish serving tray and plopped herself on the front step with her homemade sign.  The price was steep.  One dollar per cup.  Sweet Cheeks must have been thinking she would be rolling in it by the end of the day.  She donned a "you better buy my lemonade or else" attitude topped off with some "you're lucky I'm even going to sell you some lemonade" for added effect.

She faced her best friends house in the hopes that they would somehow receive her telepathic message that she was officially open for business.  After a while, I informed her that they most likely weren't home. It didn't matter to her.  She could wait them out.  She can be stubborn that way.  She gets it from her father.  

Well, at long last, the neighborhood kids took notice (after I called their mothers and told them to send them over:) They came bounding across the street in search of some thirst-quenching deliciousness.  However, when it came time to pay, no one had any money.    In the spirit of true loan-sharking, we decided they could pay us back at a later date.  We might need a favor someday. 

And in two seconds, the lemonade was gone.  We had no money, but we had friends to enjoy, lemonade in our tummy, and the sun in the sky.  And life was truly good.

Much love and many laughs,


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Musings on fashion.

First off, let me say that I realize this entire post, will indicate my age.  I have to be ok with that.  Reminiscing is fun.  For those of you who are too young to remember some of these things, you'll enjoy seeing the vintage photos.  They are a hoot and yes, we really did dress like that.

Today's fashion staples are the funky shoes, hip handbag, and sexy jeans.  Wear anything with them and you look like a million bucks.

Shoes, jeans and handbags are the "trifecta of fashion", a "triple threat".  The staples in the "fashionista diet".


Remember when and expensive pair of jeans cost 70 dollars? Do you recall the yoke cut pleated front style?  The kind that never showed the waist band of your decidedly granny panties?  The snap hovered around your belly button and for those of us with muffin tops, they were safely sealed within the denim?

                                                            (Photo courtesy of internet)

Now, below are some jeans to make you legs look a mile long.  They make your booty look perfectly sized, perfectly rounded, and perfectly pert.  They make you look like you weigh less that you actually do.  But heavens to Betsy if you have to bend over.  That would show a Grand Canyon sized fissure that would make a plumber weep with joy.

(Photo courtesy of internet)

Do you remember what purses cost 15-20 years ago? I don't, which I believe supports my idea that they couldn't have cost that much or I'd have remembered it.  Anyhoo, purses weren't a big deal back then.  They only need be large enough to carry a can of aqua net and your car keys.  No one had cell phones,
E-readers or ipads back then.

However, if you really wanted extravagance, you could save up or beg your parents for leather "coach" bag.  They were brown or black.  That's it.  The whole enchilada.  Those bags were made with the finest leather.  The only danger was that they, because of their price tag, could send an unfavorable message:  FLASHY!!!  Most just steered clear of these over indulgences

With today's purses, the sky's the limit.  Coordinate with your wardrobe?  HA!  Sensible size?  Whatever!!! Spend 200 bucks for a purse?  Grab it baby, before it gets snatched up.  Deals like that don't just come along everyday.

                                                      Times, they have 'a changed......

(Photo courtesy of internet)

Do you remember when we used to wear sensible and comfortable shoes?  I remember never being concerned whether or not my feet would get tired or if I would have a hard time keeping up with anyone walking at a reasonable pace.

(Photo courtesy of internet)

Our shoes went from "modest" to "blow your mind funky".  From "cute" to "sexy".  From "reasonable" to downright "ridiculous".  I remember when heels were 2-3 inches.  The only platform shoes I'd ever seen were those rubbery-soled sandal type with the oval cut out of the heel.  Those were truly sassy.  They said "pretty high school girl" to me.

Later, chunky shoes became popular.  I though they looked so weird.  Now there are all kinds of skinny and chunky shoes with the most predominant style being the platform shoe.  No not the flexible soled ones of yore, but the inflexible ones that make your feet scream "you idiot!"  Yet, they continue to get taller.  (little known fact is that the government requires shoe manufacturers to raise the height of the platform shoe approximately 1/2" per year).  While that doesn't seem like much, in 2011, we now are left with shoe offerings like this.......

(photo courtesy of internet)

And I whisper to myself "you've got to be kidding me"!?!


I don't know what can be done about this.  It is absolutely insane to wear these types of "ankle breakers".

On a side note,  I'm going to encourage my children to go to med school and specialize in orthopedics.

Much love and many laughs, and hopefully lots of balance to you, 


Saturday, June 4, 2011

What is it?

This is the first installment 

Things you need to know about "What is it?"  

1.  It needs audience participation (both of you:)

2.  It will be a photo of something I've seen out and about
that seems off in one way or another.

3.  It is not to be mistaken for the category "oddities".

4.  I may or may not know the answer.

5.  If you guess right you win control of the universe!

So without much further adieu.......

Pardon the glare.........

Photo compliments of the Sephora store window.

Much love and many laughs (and good luck!),