Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Birthday my niece!

It was 12 years ago today that a bouncing, puffy-faced cherub popped into our lives.  Although I had the aunt thing down cold, this was my first niece on J's side of the family, so it might as well have been the first ever (all over again).  The excitement was palpable.  And in the middle of the night on May 1st, I had a new "birthday buddy".  In our family, if you're born in the same month, you're a birthday buddy.  Especially if one of the buddies is a proud and doting aunt and the other a powder-scented, pixie-wearing, curled-up, bundle of joy. (the pixie was optional)

Now she is a lovely young lady, sailing out into the unknown sea called adolescence.  Might I say, she's navigating it very well indeed.  (Just don't ask her little sister:)

This is the former toddler who called me "err-duh" and yes, it was as bad as it sounds and yes, I squelched that as my pet name.

This is the child who had a short but very naughty phase of climbing out of her car seat-only while the car was cruising down the highway at questionable speeds.

This is the young child who dubbed a friend "pretty Bob" and her grandfather "sweet Johnny".

This is the girl who when very small was a little unsure of the swimming pool.  So she climbed in with a life vest,  a seating floating ring, and water wings on.

This is the child who jumped up and down in front of me every morning in Sunday School to get my attention.  They didn't give her enough attention at home.  She was starved for affection:)

This is the girl who can dance like the wind!

This is the girl who had developed an affinity for sweet tea for breakfast.

This is the girl who tries to be kind to all (even to her little sister-though it sometimes doesn't work out), and looks out for the underdog.

This is the girl who is a wonderful person and whom we love very much!

Happy Birthday Grace!!!  We love you!

Much love and many laughs always,

Aunt A

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