Monday, March 21, 2011

Little girl signs and warm fuzzies

Sometimes when my kids are at school, it gets quiet around my house.

Like many of you know, kids make a household exciting!

Somedays the quiet is a wonderful reprieve, other days-not so much.

Is it sad that I'm secretly excited when they have to stay home for a sick day so I can look after them and love on them?

It wouldn't surprise anyone to know that I'm not one of these moms who pushes her children to grow up. 
In fact I already bemoan when they'll go off to college.
I can't help it, that's how I'm made.

I know many of you cringe at the whole moving off at 18years old thing too.

Thankfully, I have heart warming reminders of my sweeties.

Especially of my little one.

Take a look at some of the things she leaves around the house that give me the warm fuzzies.

By the way, many of these pictures she took herself with my phone when I wasn't looking.

She's sly-that one:)

These are some of the signs that a little girl lives here.

I just love it.

By the way that first cat was actually reading the Bible at one point.

Warm fuzzies-gotta love 'em!

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