To celebrate, he wanted to have some friends sleepover, play games and watch movies. As the boys got comfortable I enjoyed seeing just how uniquely different each one is. I've love observing kids to discover their unique gifts and laugh at their funny quirks. I'm not trying to pigeon hole anyone, but it is entertaining to sit back and watch their personalities unfold.
There was one boy who was the "put together" one. He always had his sleeping bag and supplies put away and organized. He was the first to get dressed for bed and the first one dressed in the morning. I thought about asking him if he could come over and give my kids lessons on listening "the first time".
There was one boy who was the most enthusiastic one of the lot. I kid you not, he and my son spoke at the loudest decibel levels they were was capable of. This guy had signed on for the full sleepover experience and was not going to miss a beat.
Then, there was the relaxed calm kid who seemed to get along well with everyone. In my family we call them "type O", because like type O blood, they go with everyone.
Then, there was the kid who was one moment right in the middle of the ruckus, the next, quietly sneaking off to play with the dog. He loves our dog and the feeling is mutual.
Lastly, there was the absentminded one. The one who couldn't find his stuff. I would find his belongings in the nooks and crannies of the playroom. He was the one who still didn't have his shirt on, or teeth brushed, when the rest of the boys had their belongings ready to go at the front door. He is a youngest child. I can spot them a mile away because that is exactly how I
Ten is a great age. They are gaining a lot of independence, but they are still sweet and have not learned to be ashamed of their family and loved ones. They still want you to come to the honors assembly. They still feel like "big stuff" when a parent walks into the classroom and everyone notices. They want to show us off. I love that.
"Okay, now look silly......"
"Now give me your serious face.... "
(that little sister-she's a stinker)
Now for the crime scene........
Evidence they did get some
(if only a little) sleep......
Evidence of a pillow fight......
Evidence that Big boy has eyes under all that hair...... |
At some point the shirts came off......
And everyone got home in one piece -whew!