For those of you who know my little girl, when I say "she's funny" you know what I'm talking about. For those of you who don't (and I can't imagine anyone reading this blog that I haven't specifically told to go and read it-and therefore you know my family very well), just know that she is unique in the best way. She has had experiences in her life that most kids have not. She has an unusually plucky determination about her which is a big asset.
You see, little punkin has been in physical therapy most of her life. Because of this, her knowledge of PT often shows up in play. For instance, J or I stretch her every morning. Also, twice a week she is stretched by a physical therapist. This does not even include any times grandparents or aunts have stretched her when we were away.
Punkin has several of those baby dolls with the beanbag bodies and plastic arms, legs, and head. The kind that look like they come straight from the hospital with pre-molded hospital bracelet around her wrist, and fabric booties, and cap.
I was driving one day and looked back at her and she was stretching her doll. She was only two-ish and managed it without difficulty. I thought to myself "only her" because what other child would have knowledge of how to stretch/isolate someone's leg muscles.
Well recently, she was prescribed glasses. The first pair had to be repaired within two weeks. The next pair (our back ups) had to be repaired within 3 weeks of receiving them. My punkin is a girly girl-just not the delicate one:)
Also, the doctor prescribed 5 to 10 hours of "patch time" per week. She has one eye that is weaker than the other. In order to strengthen it, we have to patch the strong eye, so the weaker will be forced to strengthen. Well, the other day in the play room I found this....
My punkin never tells me she's doing these things. She doesn't even think that they are funny or clever, but when I come across these displays, it's hard not to picture her and crack a big smile.
Sweet girl!!!
Much love and many laughs,
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Oddities pt. 1
This is the first ever installment of "oddities". It is to include all things bizarre, ridiculous, and ironic.
J often plays in golf tournaments. When you play in a golf tournament, you are often given a bag of goodies. They usually range from peanut butter crackers and water to golf tees and golf balls. Recently, in one of his complimentary gift bags, I found this......ewww-just the thought!!!
Notice it's empty. Apparently, thirsty folk aren't too picky about complimentary water (but just in case you were wondering-NO they didn't bottle it themselves!)
Much love and many laughs,

Notice it's empty. Apparently, thirsty folk aren't too picky about complimentary water (but just in case you were wondering-NO they didn't bottle it themselves!)
Much love and many laughs,
Friday, April 15, 2011
So cute it's criminal
When I find torn up milk cartons on my linen couch-I grimace.
When I find a chewed up half eaten package of gum on my rug-I roll my eyes.
When I find one shoe around the house and not the other-I shake my head and shrug.
Why do I do this?
1. It's not going to do any good anyway as he doesn't understand my explanations for why it's inappropriate.
2. I enjoy picking up his messes.
3. He's just so cute that it is criminal.
You decide:)
Much love and many laughs,
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Eat Thin Mints at your own peril!
I have a sweet tooth. BIG TIME. No, I REALLY mean BIG TIME!!! A few weeks ago, I was accosted by a cherubic bright young person whom I teach in Sunday School. She informed me that it was time to buy Girl Scout Cookies. She wanted to know would I be interested in purchasing any?
Well... out of the goodness of my heart I complied. I thought this would even further demonstrate to the kids in my class, just how very much I care for them and want to support their endeavors. (Also, it didn't hurt that they were Girl Scout cookies-not wrapping paper or useless house trinkets.) You see, I have this theory that Girl Scout cookies are better than store bought ones of the same kind. I don't know how. Maybe the wax that holds the chocolate on the cookie is better. They seem more crisp and delightful. Maybe fresher if you can go so far as to say that. By the way, did I mention that I was referring to THIN MINTS? I thought I should clarify as I'm told there are other kinds of GS cookies available. I was surprised to discover this. Why would they bother I ask? Its puzzling to say the least.
I discovered a trick to make the cookies even more a delight. FREEZE THEM!!! I can't eat them any other way now. Oh, maybe I could. Maybe, if I was stranded on a deserted island with no access to a freezer, I could. Or possibly if I was being held against my will I could eat them at room temperature. But only those dire circumstances would qualify.
So a few weeks later I received said cookies. It was a Sunday. I ordered three boxes. I promptly placed them in the freezer. (After I scarfed some down on the way home. Did I mention that after church hunger counted as a dire circumstance?)
Later that afternoon, I had ingested a sleeve.
The next day was Monday. I had a sleeve.
Sometime in the next 24 hours two more sleeves were gone. I don't know how it happened. I think my dog must be "sleep eating".
(By the way, is it acceptable to have a sleeve of thin mints for lunch? I say yes! After all, who wants to put a lunch together for just yourself. )
So I continued to watch my GS thin mint cookie supply dwindle. And it wasn't even late in the week yet.
By this point, I knew the remaining thin mints would feel abandoned and I truly did have stuff to do around the house (read). I decided that I should just finish them off so they would leave me alone!
By this point, I knew the remaining thin mints would feel abandoned and I truly did have stuff to do around the house (read). I decided that I should just finish them off so they would leave me alone!
And they were refreshing!
And I secretly wondered if the Girl Scouts were a front for some sinister organization whose goal was to get us addicted to the minty goodness.
Then, the next week in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, I noticed an article titled "Roomies Do-si-do over box of cookies" by Jennifer Christman.
It turns out that a Florida woman accused her roommate of eating her - you guessed it - THIN MINT cookies. The accuser woke the accused and started assaulting her with a deadly weapon and blamed her for pilfering the cookies. The accused indicated that she did not eat said cookies, but instead fed them to the the woman's hungry kids. Then to appease the irate woman, she offered to pay $10 for the cookies. This did not appease her and insanity ensued until the woman's husband broke up the fight. (Where was the woman's husband while this argument was escalating? Probably in the kitchen cleaning up minty cookie crumbs. -Did anyone check his teeth?)
So you see, this is a true problem. I'm afraid it's going on all around the country. So based on this madness, I 'm going to boycott Girl Scout cookies until around next February. I don't know why-it just seems like 10 months should get my point across. Anything longer would be unfair and cruel to the Girl Scout organization.
Much love and many laughs,
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
On a recent spring break trip, I noticed something strange. In truth I had noticed it some time ago, but
for some reason during this trip, it dawned on me how silly it was. Lately, it seems that all"chain" hotels
have discontinued use of the industrial-strength polyester quilted bedspreads in favor of more modern
"hotel"brand style bedding. I love it!!! I couldn't be happier. After seeing an investigative report on
what really IS on hotel bedspreads, I'm happy to have clean, crisp white bedding. The bed looked warm
and inviting. When I sat down and started to put my feet under the bedding displayed at the foot of the
bed, I noticed it. Sitting there looking like real bedding (even if it was the industrial strength and made of
polyester) was the culprit.
This bed doesn't look too bad-does it?
Hang on....Just go with me on this one...
(This photo was courtesy of the internet)
Do you remember these? Yes, the turtleneck dickie. Designed to give you the layered look with out
actual layers. You just hoped and prayed that the edge of it did not slip out. Then everyone would be
on to your clever little ruse.
I think they're still sold at some fine stores. You can find them near the knee-hi's and socks with cats on them.
My favorite memory regarding the turtleneck dickie was from this movie.
(photo courtesy of internet)
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation-a true classic. Randy Quaid's skin-tight white
sweater with the black turtleneck dickie underneath pretty much summed up public opinion the matter.
If for some reason you don't know what that opinion is, then call me and we can talk:)
So back to the hotel bedding, I realized that the strip of fabric at the end of the bed was the modern day
turtleneck dickie. It's only purpose is for looks, not for actual use. It is only there to up the "cool &
stylish" quotient, but not to go so far as to actually be so cool or stylish
whilst actually accomplishing the opposite.
It just seemed so odd...
Much love and many laughs,
Much love and many laughs,
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